Modern society is one that emphasizes meritocracy and equal rights for
all. Today, women in many parts of the world enjoy much parity in treatment
and opportunities. Women, now, have the right to vote, and the right to be
educated. It is also common to have highly-educated women taking up
senior executive positions in corporations. And women, too, are increasingly
becoming a force to be reckoned with in politics. All this, some people would
have us believe, has been achieved at the expense of men’s rights. The sad
reality is that all women, even those in developed societies, still suffer from
discrimination, though obviously in varying degrees, which most men
conveniently ignore.
It is undeniable that men do indeed suffer some forms of discrimination.
For example, in a divorce case, the judge would most likely grant the mother
the custody of the child unless the mother is a criminal or is mentally unstable.
The justification for this is that “it is in the best interest of the child” as mothers
are considered better at bringing up children, especially the younger ones.
This is a gross generalization, and is one obvious example of discrimination
against males. After all, a mother-headed family is often far from ideal. One
of the main causes of child abuse is the presence in the home of a boyfriend
or stepfather. Fathers can be good parents too.
Worldwide, as more women are choosing to postpone childbearing,
many governments in Asia, Europe and America are giving out longer
maternity leave to encourage more mothers to give birth. In Singapore, for
example, mothers are entitled to longer maternity leave, but what about the
fathers? Many fathers want to be involved in family affairs too. Should they
not be given paternity leave so that they can take care of their children too?
In Norway, fathers are entitled to 9-months paternity leave, but in most
countries, fathers are not entitled to such benefit. And yet, they have to take
care of their families.
In addition, well-groomed males are described somewhat derisively as
metrosexuals, and fathers who choose to stay at home to take care of their
children are often badmouthed. Where are their rights to groom themselves?
To make choices? After all, no one laughs at mothers who choose not to
work. No one laughs at women who go to spas or seek beauty treatment.
Indeed, men do suffer some forms of discrimination in today’s society.
However, in my opinion, these are only minor forms of discrimination found
only in developed countries. In many developing countries, women continue
to be suppressed. Even in developed countries, the lot of a woman is less
enviable compared to that of the male: archaic social expectations of
women and the existence of a glass ceiling are common forms of
discrimination that continue to plague women.
Although much parity has been achieved in our modern society,
women are still expected by society to adhere to the traditional roles of
women. In Singapore, for example, society still expects women to aspire to
get married, give birth and be mothers. Even as more women enter the
workforce, married women who choose not to give birth are often criticized
and pressured to reverse their decisions by society. Even in democratic
America, First Ladies are expected to fit into the traditional moulds and
abstain from any involvement in politics. Hillary Clinton, the former US First
Lady, was lambasted for heading the National Health Care Task Force. She
and Eleanor Roosevelt, before her, were criticized for expressing their views
and taking part in politics. Where are their rights to freedom of speech? Even
Tipper Gore, the wife of former vice-president Al Gore, was lambasted for
speaking out against violent and pornographic music lyrics in 1985.
Politically, although women make up more than half of the population,
women are still under-represented. Presently, women only make up 21.7% of
all legislative seats globally. Indeed, influential women politicians like
Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice and Gloria Arroyo do
exist, but they only make up a minority. And many, like Gloria Arroyo and
Sonia Gandhi are able to hold so much power merely because of their
families who were previously active in politics. It is heartening to see
developing countries like Afghanistan making headways in granting women
equal rights. Afghanistan, for example, voted for their first female provincial
governor in the recent polls. The new Cabinet even has three female
ministers. Sadly, such cases are merely isolated ones. Domestically, while we
have ten female Members of Parliament, only two are Ministers of State, and
none are full ministers. Clearly, women are still seen as less competent
politicians by society even when women have the same or high educational
Economically, while equal rights to pay and work have been largely
achieved in the developed world, women still earn much less than men even
if they have the same qualifications. In Singapore, for example, 2003 statistics
show that women earned an annual income of US$15,322, while men earned
an annual income of US$31,927. In addition, although women are becoming
increasingly highly educated, the presence of glass-ceilings denies women
the right to attain higher positions. In Singapore, for example, only 6% of the
top local companies have at least one female director. In comparison, 60%
of the top 1000 companies in USA have at least 1 female director. In many
countries too, granting of flexible working arrangements and maternity leave
is given lip service and many women continue to be sacked when they are
pregnant. Needless to say, in developing countries, the situation is worse.
Women are often confined to the house and denied the right to work.
Hence, women often make up more than half of those living in extreme
In today’s modern society where the emphasis is on equality for all,
society has made much improvement in terms of granting equal rights to
women. In this rush to achieve sexual parity, it is undeniable that this
improvement has been achieved sometimes as the expense of men.
However, discrimination against men is relatively insignificant. Women,
worldwide, continue to suffer far greater forms of discrimination socially,
politically and economically. To claim therefore that men are “more
discriminated against” than women in modern society is therefore nothing
short of ludicrous.
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